Exploring the 3D Dynamics of Toroidal-Poloidal Mantle Flow, Geothermal Network,
and Intraplate Submarine Volcanism
PI: E. Attias (UTIG)
co-PIs: M. K. Sen (JSG), L. Lavier (JSG)
Collaborators: M. Agius (Uni. of Malta), F. Roth (EMGS), S. Holz (GEOMAR)
GEMANFLOW is coupled with the CREAK project (ERC Consolidator Grant)
led by M. Agius from the University of Malta

The Sicily Channel Rift Zone (SCRZ) geothermal network is sustained by toroidal and potentially poloidal mantle flow (TPMF), which is a primary source of heat, melt, and volatiles and sporadically triggers submarine volcanic eruptions. GEMANFLOW aims to explore the geo-interactions associated with TPMF-induced volcanism, which are mediated by multiple interconnected geothermal networks extending from the rift zone to Sicily’s coastline, initiating a cascade of litho-biospheric synergetic processes. We propose an amphibious experiment combining land magnetotelluric (MT) and ocean-bottom electromagnetic (EM) instruments to simultaneously acquire terrestrial and marine MT data, as well as controlled-source EM (CSEM) data, to study intraplate volcanism-related processes spanning across the coastal Sicily volcanic complex. The GEMANFLOW data will be integrated with marine OBS and MT data from the CREAK project, led by M. Agius (University of Malta), focusing on SCRZ’s continental breakup mechanism. This collaboration between CREAK and GEMANFLOW will enable the analysis of new and legacy data, such as geophysical, oceanographic, petrological, geochemical, and biological data, alongside geodynamic models. Our cross-disciplinary approach will help constrain SCRZ’s geothermal network and possibly detect serpentinization-induced natural hydrogen (NatH2) accumulations in the sub-seafloor. The research will enhance our understanding of the geodynamic processes governing tectonically complex regions, advancing knowledge of how physical conditions drive changes in Earth’s interior rheology, mineralogy, and viscosity.

What do we know about SCRZ from existing shallow datasets?

Evidence for crustal dynamics from intraplate and subduction-related volcanism (Faccenna et al., 2005), compression/extension (Devoti et al., 2011; Bahrouni et al., 2020), heat flow (Fuchs et al., 2021), seismic azimuthal/radial anisotropy and crustal thickness (Agius et al., 2022).

What do we know about SCRZ from existing deep datasets?

Evidence for upper mantle flow due to dynamic slab. Shear velocity structure at 100~km depth adopted from El-Sharkawy et al., (2020), shear-wave splitting from Barruol et al., (2009), and seismic surface-wave radial and azimuthal anisotropy data from Agius et al., (2022).
GEMANFLOW seeks to establish a feasible workflow to map, constrain, and characterize the dynamics of interconnected amphibious geothermal networks that control submarine intraplate volcanism. The experiment has two main objectives: (1) Mapping SCRZ’s geothermal network to support the global effort in transitioning from carbon-prominent to carbon-low clean energies, in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement and the New Blue Economy initiative, and (2) Constraining the structural features and geodynamic processes that drive upward migration of traversing 3D mantle flow, which channels melt, heat, and volatiles to SCRZ submarine volcanoes—a geohazard that could potentially threaten communication and gas lines. Using an integrated approach, GEMANFLOW aims to improve our understanding of dynamically complex tectonic processes.
GEMANFLOW's methodologies include marine CSEM for mapping subsurface electrical resistivity, magnetic delineating tectonic features, biogeochemistry, heat flow, and oceanographic measurements to detect changes in the water column influenced by active submarine volcanism. Marine EM (MT/CSEM) and seismic data (land and ocean) will be inverted individually and jointly using advanced 3D TTI algorithms. Numerical geodynamic modeling will simulate tectonic processes and predict future geological scenarios.
Our findings could establish a framework for TPMF-driven research in other tectonically active regions associated with NatH2 production and geohazards. The CREAK–GEMANFLOW collaborative research will generate a series of joint seismic-EM 3D tomography models that describe viscous mantle flows and lithospheric structures, offering new insights into the dimensionality of TPMF, as well as the melt, heat, and fluid flows that manifest as a geothermal network. Characterizing such dynamic processes is crucial for advancing green energy solutions and gaining new insights to predict and mitigate the impact of volcanic geohazards. Humanitarian Geophysics encompasses these topics, a research theme central to NSF’s Division of Earth Sciences.
The project's applications extend to risk mitigation, scientific advancements, and environmental impact. GEMANFLOW aims to contribute to climate change models and conservation efforts by understanding the interplay between tectonics, amphibious geothermal networks, and biogeochemical cycles.

GEMANFLOW experiment: Deployment of 30 OBEMs augmenting CREAK's MT and OBS sites and conduct a CSEM survey (six towlines).

The proposal will be submitted to the ERC Consolidator Grant in September 2025.