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"Just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there”

     ~ Thomas Edward Yorke,



​WAVE is an academic (OCEEMlab) and industry (BlueGreen Geophysics) initiative to standardize and streamline the processing and visualization of controlled-source (CSEM) data. WAVE is a MATLAB-based GUI software designed to operate fast, efficiently, reliable, user-friendly, non-prone-to-user mistakes, and highly reproducible. WAVE provides scientists with a rigorous suite of data processing and visualization tools to enhance the operation of academic marine EM studies to industry standards. The WAVE platform includes benchmarking tools that are reliable, intuitive, systematic, and flexible to users’ needs. Hence, WAVE significantly improves the quality of seafloor and towed CSEM processed data, optimizes survey design, and generates preliminary resistivity models (i.e., pseudosections and 2D inversion) "on the fly" during the cruise. WAVE will be freely available to the academic community in 2025 (via a GNU license) after being validated during the research cruise of the  ICEFLAME project. 


Cornutos 1.0

A MATLAB GUI-based software for three-phase joint elastic-electrical
SCA/DEM effective medium modeling



  • SCA/DEM modeling:  First principle of physics to derive a mixture's effective properties of components. Calculate elastic and electrical physical properties using a single microstructure —> an advantage other schemes do not offer. 

  • Self-Consistent Approximation (SCA): Effective medium model for composite containing multiple mineral phases that are independent of mixing order. Useful to calculate the physical effective properties of water-saturated sediments. Bulk/Shear moduli and Resistivity are computed for specific critical porosity (φc) – biconnected inclusions.

  • Differential Effective Medium (DEM): Used to model an effective medium by starting with a single material, to which inclusions are successively added bulk (compression), shear (stiffness) moduli, and resistivity properties of inclusions are calculated for φ < φc (sediments) and φ > φc (brine). The effective properties are recalculated after each inclusion addition.

Potential applications: Cornutos 1.0 SCA/DEM modeling enables the computation of saturations of different phases of interest, such as gas hydrates, freshened groundwater, and seafloor minerals enclosed in various phases (e.g., brine, sand, clay, quartz, basalt).

Effective Medium Rock Physics Modeling

© Copyright 2016, E. Attias, K. Amalokwu, I. Falcon-Suarez


​If publishing results using Cornutos 1.0, please cite:
Attias, E., K. Amalokwu, M. Watts, I. Falcon-Suarez, L. North, H. Gaowei, A. I. Best, K. Weitemeyer and T. A. Minshull, (2020). Gas hydrate quantification at a pockmark offshore Norway from joint effective medium modeling of resistivity and seismic velocity. Mar. Petrol. Geol., 113, 104–151.

Aerial View of Sea
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